Tuesday 31 August 2010

jag jobbar för att inte tänka

okej, så är det, jag jobbar för att fylla ut alla dagar, för det räcker ju inte med att läsa 45 hp, man ska jobbar 30% på det... nää, jag gillar att jobba och jag har fått ett av världens bästa jobb, håller på att läser verksamhetsberättelsen och budgeten just nu, så blev lite rädd där ett tag, förra PL hade 50% och jag 30%, så jag kommer nog inte hinna med lika mycket, men jag vill! Vet hur jag vill ha det, och det bästa är att man själv var SA förra året, så jag vet de vill ha. Gör det mycket värre, eller hur?

På geo'n idag var det populationsgeografi som gällde, CDR, IMR, MMR, u name it, we did it! Det var inte värdens bäst spenderade 3 timmar, men tror att det kommer på tentan, så lär dig! På SKB i går fick jag en mini-crush på min lärare, han är så bra! Helt fantastisk! Han fick mig att känna att centralsydslaviska språk var en piece of cake! Känner att jag har använt överdrivet mycket utropstecken för att vara mig. Imorgon står mer Demografiska ekvationer & transitioner på schemat, =/    
Ekomomikum börjar växa på mig, trodde inte att jag skulle gilla det efter att ha softat runt på EBC, men mirakel händer, tror inte att jag skulle våga mig dit i mjukbrallor, så jag är faktiskt riktigt proper klädd dessa dagar, får se hur länge det håller...  oki, ska läsa vidare, D poppar popcorn, nomnom, kanske en nattmacka?

Saturday 28 August 2010

I got it!

I got the job! A part-time project manger at the Student Union. It's ther Human Diversity project, and I will have a buzzy autum!

Thursday 26 August 2010


My back is killing me and I have the bigges home exam I have to do befor Uni starts on monday again cuz I had a shitty spring and got really behind. BOB still has the HP-flue and I have aunts laptop, who is a joke for a computer, the space-bar nearly dosn't work, have to beat it HARD, the V-button is gone and scary slow to start and won't take the Uni network, so is surfing around on someons opend wireless conection, fun and safe...

Gosh, I'm a nagging bitch today 

Tuesday 24 August 2010

when pigs fly

things are happenig so fast at the moment, a new schoolyear and two new classes to start, 'Geographic Informations system and science', and Serbian. I don't know why I combine bouth science and languages, but I believe that I will benifit from it later, investing in a well-paid job when school is finished. =D

Monday 16 August 2010

the past weekend (and week!) has been a real Irish-weekend, and you few human beings who know what that means, know that I have had a awesome time! Friday was beer and karaoke, taco and nice people. Saturday was a blast, Uplands - Katalin - Uplands, more karaoke, more fun and more moves on the dancefloor. I can't really describe the weekend in the right words, cuz I don't really remember all... all a know that I have some of the best bud's in the world.

Sunday BBQ with La Familja and I'm now having a very quiet week, nice befor school starts and the whole thing will spin around again. Have a test in Arabic grammar on friday, woho! Have some bio and chemistry left to do aswell, so guess where I will be spending my time? Made homemade Ciabatta for breaki, just to celebrate that is was monday morning. Not really, but I be glad if you would think that I drag my sorry ass out of bed bright and early.. the bread was made anyhow. =)

Saturday 14 August 2010

Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.
Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder,
They slip between the sentries of the heart.

Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure,
They gain the light, they formlessly entwine;
And radiant beyond your widest measure
They fall among the voices and the wine.

It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving,
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for this to happen,
Go firmly to the window. Drink it in.
Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing.
Your firm commitments tangible again.

And you who had the honor of her evening,
And by the honor had your own restored –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving;
Alexandra leaving with her lord.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for the occasion;
In full command of every plan you wrecked –
Do not choose a coward’s explanation
that hides behind the cause and the effect.

And you who were bewildered by a meaning;
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Hoffmaestro & Chraa - Young Dad

Can't touch this!

this summer has been pretty low key, but when August came something just change. Someone fliped the coin and said 'Hey Alex, let's have some fun!' Last Thursday was a awesome BBQ with alot of new friends and a lovely old ones, supose to stay sober, and a bottle of wiskey later we were on our way home in the bright and early Friday morning...  Was at granadma & grandpa's place during the weekend, spended most of the time at the smal habor and was occupied by just beeing me. Monday was Monday and cleaned out the old place and tried to make a mend on the new room, well, give me a week or so.. 

Tuesday was 6h+ in school, getting ready for some exams and you just want to be outside whit the happy people, soak up the last sun of the summer. Fall is coming, and we are far north and just wainting for the stupid snow. Tuesday night we made Snerkes the place to be, and the outcome was class! Me, N, J and C. Four very different girls, and we don't need much to get psyched! Dancing for hours, meet old friends and some new, and friends of friends, the way a nigth should be. Ended the night on Svantes whit N and my frist roomie, Nicklas, and if u are ever in Uppsala, get the Svantes fries, best 'on-the-way-home-food'. Found my neighbor in the stairwell, poor thing had lost his keys and ended up sleeping on my floor instead, on not the best mattress in the world. Way to go. In bed at 3 and back in school at 9.30.

Hade a crayfish party in the afternoon and we were around 15 people in Vasaparken and cuz I'm not eat crayfish, I had a lovely time =) took the party inside when the dark starting to come around eleven and we ended eventually in my flat and a good thing that my present roomie is a nightperson. After this and that people were starting to go home around 4 and we went to bed aswell, and 3 people in a 1.20 bed is not something I recommed! Hot and crowded, but everything is what you make of it...   

Thursday: woke up late, ~ 9 and have been a really good girl today. Feed N and drag my ass to school. Is the first day of Uplands Nations Summer Festival of Love, I'm stying home, exam at 09.00 tomorrow, and need my brain to pass, but joining in on Friday eve and on Sat is the best boys playing, Hoffmaestro & Chraa. They are playing on Katalin, and everyone knows what happens on Katalin... well, it stays on Katalin. Thats it. Gonna try not to copy last time Che Sudaka was there, but girls just want to have fun, don't we?  

Thursday 5 August 2010

I really don't get men, whats there problem? I'm playing a game of hobby Psychologist to my girls, but that dosn't clear things out, it gets on my mind. The promise I gave myself a few weeks ago don't seem to hold and I just waiting to be back in school and get my head stuffed with calculations and charts. Science is my savior.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Moving my shit

Ok, so, I'm moving and my back really hurts! And the bad (and good part)is that I'm only moving like 300 meters up the hill, but insted of one big load I'm running up and down like Hammy in Over the Hedge , a squirrel on speed. Have a few things left in the old room and the lovely cleaning to do... maybe tomorrow...