Sunday 30 May 2010

We are supose to love ur contry and what it stands for. Supose to like its history and be proud.  I'm reading some of the comments in the four larges newspapers about the royal wedding, and it makes me both sad and sick. I really like the Royal Family, and not afraid to say so, today is the first day of four banns receptions and our prime minister gave the couple gift from the people worth ~ 30 000 E. And the comments abouit this vary between the different newspapers, if ur reading a 'blue' or a 'red' paper...

Maybe I have a sick way of looking on money, but a gift worth 30 000 E paid by tax money, and it's around 5 milion people who pay income tax, a person pay 5 cent (0.06 sek). What can u get for 5 cent in the shop??? I'm sure a person who will like to abolish the Royal Family would look at it a whole different way and have some pretty good arguments about it, but I would put money on that the Royal Family would rule Sweden better than the goverment. I'm not asking for a Chines dictatorship, just that the Royal is more human than the politicians, they live and breathe the contry and don't just have a mandate munity for just 4 year, it's for life. If you can plan you contrys future 30 years ahead, u woun't make some kick-ass mistake that the politicians always seems to do.

Love ur country, it stands for old and new values, remember who u are and take a deep look inside. Sweden can never be like America, as it seems that some people want to steer us in that direction. I woudn't like to live in a country when 2/3 of the teenagers can't put there country on the world map, where you have to be rich to go to school and your human value depends on ur bank account.
Cuz I personaly think that abolish the Royal is the first step towards everything I don't believe in.

Saturday 29 May 2010

Awesome Saturday. Fuck no, it's pissing rain and I'm not done w the work on nanoparticles. Waaay oversleept and craving a big pizza, or a cow, whatever comes my way. Just feed me!!!  Women also get cranky when they are low on sugar, not being a bitch, just cold hard fact, try not to feed ur gf for a week, see how that will work out for u...

Thursday 27 May 2010

Halfway there! Unfortunately I got a pile with old essays to re-write and to 'clean up' a bit, so I'm probably do the whole semseter, I can see thee light in the end of the tunnel in the middle of June. Go me!  

Thursday 20 May 2010

aldrig har jag varit rädd
aldrig ångrat så mycket som jag gör nu
aldrig har jag tvekat
aldrig sagt nej
aldrig har marken varit så hård
aldrig har kroppen varigt svag
aldrig har jag bett om något
aldrig satt gränser
och alltid har jag lidit

Tuesday 18 May 2010

feels like the last hill on the Tour de France

Okej, so, two weeks left in school, can't belive that a another year have passed, and I'm not getting much smarter by the time. Gonna be very inattentive the next 10 days, some big tests coming up and the final meeting with the Doc, he will tell me if I make it or break it. Sure hoping for da best. 
Ascension day and the long weekend was spended with my grandparents, lovely to back back in the deep green forest and by the big lake. I'm getting bored by myself, my head is full with biological diversity and genetics, I'll be back to normal at the 4th of June. :)  

Monday 10 May 2010

I think it was a long time since I had such a roller-coaster ride in one week. I'm a happy-go-lucky girl for da moment, pollen is the only thing that can take me down right now. The crutches are thrown away, I'm doing a bit of limping, byt I'm fine.
Gonna take the bus to my lovely horse tonight and just watch when Victoria rides him.

The days are getting longer aswell, the sun rises around 04.30 and going down again around 21.00. I'm so lucky that I have two friends that are studying medicine, O did a quick inspection of my leg on Friday, re-bandage and sended me away. ;)