Thursday 24 June 2010

anxiety wita a capital A

I don't really wanna leave, and I don't wanna stay, just start fresh, and I guessing it's easier for me to move out of the country than move down to Gothenburg. Trying to take the easiest way without hurting, cheating, disappoint and let myself down. Not a walk in the park. 
Learned a few new things today about family, and I bet 10 bucks on that I'll learn a few new things tomorrow when I'm meeting up with the girls. 
What i learned about myself today was:
1) I don't have words for how much I love my grandpa, makes me cry when I think about how much he has to do, what he has done for me, and what I want but can't give him.
2) I'm not a cold hard person, I can love and it fucking hurst. 
3) people are looking at you when you are sitting in the bus and tears streaming down your face and mascara is all over your face.  

Tuesday 22 June 2010

I'v been gone and beyond. No fuck I'v been missing the city, my girls and one or two boys... It's time to change the hair and start running again, get ready for London and by a ticket. Right, moving to London. Did a mention that?

Have spended the last 2 weeks in the woods, and I do feel like I have been living the life and times of tim, nothing ever makes sence, old friends is not even acquaintants any more and new friends is my lifelines. Family suprises and they sure do disappoint. Forgotten how hot farmers can be, and not to talk about the young guys from the Forestry Board with there brushcutter and chainsaw. Yummy. Got to love the country. Tonight I'm gotta take in the smell of fries from the pub and the sweet sound of people getting mugged. The siren and laughter. Love the possibility that this could be your last day on earth.

Friday 11 June 2010

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level & then beat you with experience

Wednesday 9 June 2010

I would make an awesome vampire

Seriously, I'm sooo trying to stick to mum's veggie-diet, and I'm use to it, so thats not my problem. The deal is that I walk in to the supermarket and I get this incredible strong craving for meat. I can see the red bloody steak dancing infront of my eyes. This only happend in that particular store btw...  So, I'm buying smoked ham, bacon, sausages, allt the nasty food I can get my hands on and shovel it into my mouth. The day after my belly goes nuts, like Jack Torrance crazy. Kind of have to plan your meat eating nights...

Due to this, I re-read all the Twilight-books, and it so much crap! No fucking way he would be able to stay a 'vegitarian',  if I can't resist the ham at the local supermarket, well, just saying. In comparison the Sookie-books are better, it's blood, sex and death. More real life, if u can call it real. Me, I would be awesome! I already sleeps all through the day and up all night. I'm wicked, selfish, dominant, a real bitch. (that what my ex-bf would say...) 

The bottom line is that I would to Vampire-fans proud. Trust me.

Monday 7 June 2010

I'm not having a weekend like this again! Give me 14 days and I will be back in this possition again. Trust me.

Sunday 6 June 2010

my poor poor head

Well, me and N did just get home, and she's 15.07 on a Sunday afternoon, guessing we had a pretty good time yday, not that we have a record of all that... my feet are sore, my head hurts, some bruising on the knee and the sun is hurting my eyes... the price to pay 4 a good night out and about. Much fun and stuff happend that should not be put on a blog, just say, if u know us, hava a guess and multiply by 10.
The nights big accident was when D fell from the beam and hit his head on the asphalt. Bloody, just bloody. The blond mans hair turned pink.  :(

Only had 6 hour sleep in 2 days, so, a shower, food, movie and the beloved bed. Thinking pizza and SATC?

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Ospontan spontanfest

no way I can translate the title to a good English one that sounds good. Anyhow, me and the best two girls, and 1,780 confirmed guests from Facebook was there - great time in the sun!
Silly obsession w my feets...